October 19, 2021


Why might porcelain veneers be the dental solution for you?

The imperfect smile. As many individuals will know, they are their own worst critics. When looking at their reflection, instead of noticing the happy smile that lightens up their face, they notice the stains on the teeth or the misshapen tooth that haunts them everyday. Whilst to others the smile is perfect, to the person […]

Why might porcelain veneers be the dental solution for you? Read More »

sick person

Vector-borne Diseases and How You Can Prevent Them

A vector-borne disease is, simply put, a disease that is transferred by one blood-feeding organism to other animals and humans. Diseases can be transferred by insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Mosquito-borne diseases West Nile fever Individuals infected with the West Nile virus usually display no symptoms. However, people who develop symptoms usually experience fever, headache, body pains,

Vector-borne Diseases and How You Can Prevent Them Read More »

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