pool outside

Winter Maintenance Pointers to Keep Your Pool in Great Condition

When the cold winter months roll in, most folks think of ways to keep warm and cozy indoors during the entire winter season. Not much thought is given to pools. After all, just thinking about soaking in a cold pool is enough to give one hypothermia. Okay, maybe that’s a bit exaggerated but admit it, you’d rather enjoy a nice hot bath than think about a pool now.

However, just because it’s wintertime doesn’t mean you should neglect your pool. Proper pool maintenance is as important during the colder days of the year as in warmer weather.

Advantages of Building a Pool in the Winter

We understand that a pool may be the farthest thing in your mind during winter, but there are a few advantages in calling a swimming pool builder and having a pool built during this time.

1. You get to have great deals on rates.

Most folks only consider having pools built when summertime is near. The law of supply and demand dictates that the greater the demand, the higher the rates. Since wintertime is technically an impractical time to have a pool built, you are likely to get great rates at this time.

2. You get the VIP treatment from pool builders.

Similarly, since not a lot of pool builders have any contracts over the wintertime, not only are you likely to get great deals on their services, but they can also give you the VIP treatment since most designers and builders don’t have much on their plates. They can give your pool more attention and effort, which guarantees that you get the best possible pool that your budget can buy.

3. Your pool will be ready by summertime.

Building during the winter months gives you a great headstart. If you start working on it during this season, it will be ready weeks before summer gets here, allowing you and your family to enjoy more time for swimming and chilling in the summer.

9 Tips for Pool Maintenance during Wintertime


1. Clean it every couple of weeks.

Giving your pool a good brushing and cleaning every two weeks helps keep algae from forming. Ensure that you also rid the pump and skimmer baskets of leaves so that the filtration system stays efficient.

2. Keep the pool water balanced.

Take a sample of your pool water from elbow deep and check what your pool’s pH level is. The ideal pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6. Determine from your sample whether you need to add the appropriate amount of treatment to correct it.

3. Clean its filter.

You don’t want any oil or grease deposits to harden inside your pool’s filter over the cold winter months. Clean your filter regularly so that you don’t have a hard time getting rid of hardened oil and grease in warmer months.

4. Check the pool’s chlorine levels.

Maintaining your pool’s available chlorine level is important in keeping it clean and clear. The ideal level should be 2-3 parts per million (PPM) throughout the colder winter months. If you have a salt chlorinator and a pool blanket, make sure to reduce it to 1-2 PPM to avoid equipment damage and higher chlorine levels.

5. Give it the shock treatment.

Regularly giving your pool the shock treatment helps you control and even eliminate organic and inorganic wastes. It also helps your sanitizer stay focused on killing algae and bacteria instead of these contaminants.

6. Get rid of algae the moment you see it.

Your pool’s sanitizer works double-time to control and fight off algae whenever they show up. This leaves no residual that will help keep your pool clean and clear, so as soon as you see algal bloom, get rid of it immediately.

7. Set your pool filter’s running time to the minimum.

During the colder winter months, your pool’s filter should be running at only three to four hours daily. Set your pool’s filter to work only for that duration. If you want to save more money, turn it on during off-peak hours.

8. If you have a solar heater, put it on Winter Mode.

If your solar pool heating system doesn’t have an automatic controller, you can manually set it to Winter Mode. If you’re going to be away for a few days, it is recommended to turn it off while you’re gone.

9. Cover your pool.

There are many benefits to using a pool cover or blanket. It prevents chemical evaporation, which saves you time and money. It also helps keep leaves and other contaminants away, which deprives algae and bugs of food, making pool maintenance easier and less time-consuming for you.

Proper pool maintenance over the winter helps your pool stay in great condition and ready for summer. So if you want to get the most out of your pool next summer, take good care of it today.

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