moving house

Big Moves For Your Big Move: Things You Should Do When Moving Into a New Home

The day has finally come. You’ve found a new home to move into, along with all your hopes and dreams. You have your head held high, proud of the work you’ve put in by looking for the perfect place that exactly fits your personality. It’s a beautiful new beginning and a big step in your life, and while daunting as it may be, you’re confident to face the challenges ahead.

Everyone gets excited when moving into a new home. Unfortunately, they often overlook the necessary steps they have to take before the move. It’s all because most new homeowners want to go straight into styling and personalizing their homes, which isn’t bad. However, they should at least inspect their whole home thoroughly before they start decorating.

Don’t fall into these mistakes and end up with costly repairs in the future. Here are the things you should watch out for when moving into a new home:


You’re bound to get the keys to your new home, and you probably won’t think anything of it. However, you never really know who else could have copies of your keys. While it is unlikely that the previous owner has given copies of it to anyone else, it’s in your best interest to get new sets of locks for your safety and peace of mind. Buying new sets of locks yourself ensures that no one else has copies of your keys and that no one can tamper with your locks.

A CCTV security system would also be a great addition to any new home. It gives your home an added layer of security that monitors your surroundings, preventing any form of burglary. It also helps you look back and spot any suspicious activities outside the house when you’re preoccupied with other things. The strategy creates a safer and more secure household. If you want further protection, consider looking into smart home features.


Another crucial part of the house to check when moving into a new home is plumbing. Even if you’ve hired a home inspector beforehand to inspect leaks and plumbing problems, double-checking yourself won’t hurt.

One of the most costly problems a home could have is water damage. Water damage could ruin your walls, ceilings, windows, and just about anything that it comes across. Leaks from damaged or broken pipes are the main culprits of water damage at home. Finding where leaks stem from makes it easier to address them right away, preventing costly repairs and replacements.

You could lower the risk of water damage further by investing in proper concrete waterproofing. Choose from sealants and epoxy to waterproof decking materials and more. These things are all great solutions that prevent water damage, which helps extend the life and longevity of your home.

pest control

Pest Control

Pest infestations at home are the worst! Roaches, mice, ants, and termites are some of the most common pests that could infiltrate your home. They could make holes in your walls or start multiplying inside nooks and crannies, ultimately destroying your home.

Not only are they capable of damaging your beautiful abode, but they could also threaten the health and safety of everyone in it. Pests usually carry diseases that could negatively affect human lives, and some of them are even fatal. Investing in regular pest control is crucial in keeping your home safe and pest-free.

Test Smoke and Fire Detectors

Ensuring that all your smoke and fire detectors are fully functional could be the deciding factor in life or death. If they’re faulty and a fire breaks out while you’re asleep, you might not have enough time to react or get out of the house. It’s best to replace them with new ones right away. Your local fire department will gladly inspect your detectors for you and ensure that they are compliant with the local and state fire codes.

Familiarize Yourself With Utilities

Homeowners must know where the circuit breaker is, as well as the main water valve. Getting to know these utilities will help you diagnose future problems regarding power and water supply.

For electricity, check where each switch supplies power to in your circuit breaker. It helps you detect which rooms have power issues faster. For water supply, identify where the main water valve is and see if it needs any tools in opening or closing it. That information is crucial when there’s a plumbing emergency in your home where you need to shut off the main water valve.

Whatever the case may be, always make a thorough inspection of any house when moving because what’s the purpose of a new home if you don’t feel safe or comfortable in it? Inspecting it yourself or hiring a professional could go a long way in helping you feel confident in your new home.

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