beautiful garden landscape

The Latest Landscaping Trends in 2019

You may not think of it, but garden designs are always changing along with people’s tastes. What used to be in or fashionable ten years ago can make your home look quaint now. If you want your house to look well-cared-for, you should focus on updating your landscaping. Overall, the biggest change in landscaping has been that the mean age of homeowners has decreased.

This means that more younger people with busy schedules now own houses. Gardening is seen as trendy among millennials. This has led to lawns and outdoor spaces being simplified so that they are easy to maintain and require less time to care for. These are the current landscaping trends that you need to be aware of before redoing your front yard:

Multi-use outdoor spaces

Outdoor spaces are becoming an extension of people’s households. Instead of seeing them as a separate outdoor part of the house, people are making them functional. This can mean having features in them that can turn them into outdoor dining spaces, auditoriums, or even kitchens. The trend in landscape design in Salt Lake City moves more toward open fire pits and barbecue spaces as fall occurs. Sometimes, people are starting to incorporate unique garden features such as kitchen islands and stoves, which can help turn the garden into an extension of the kitchen in summer.

Gardens of edible plants and fruits

Gardens are doubling as a source of organic, home-grown herbs and fruits. Some popular vegetables also make for increasingly pretty landscaping plants such as kale and squash. Planting fruit trees in the orchard attracts all kinds of native wildlife. Birds, mammals, and pollinators make your other flowering plants grow well, too. Having a garden of edible plants and fruits can also take up your spare time in a healthy way.

oranges on a tree branch

Meditative spaces

While British-style gardens were more popular in the past, younger people are trying to recreate more purposefully meditative spaces in their homes. Asian-style gardens that focus on the philosophy of feng shui are becoming more popular. Young people are seeking to simplify their living and add a getaway into their homes where they can recline from their busy lives.

Metal accents

These have been all the rage in interior design. Copper lighting, shades, and polished metal furniture are in every modern home now. This trend has spread to outdoor spaces as well. You can use this in your kitchen by installing metallic statues and patio furniture. Water features are also a great way to include metal forms into your landscape.

Indoor gardens

Many young people today are opting to live in apartments instead of houses. So the nature of gardens has changed. Some people are growing indoor gardens or gardens in unexpected places such as parking lots, balconies, and rooftops. Urban gardening is becoming popular, and people are starting to invest in it.

The good news is that the demand for gardening and landscaping services is going to persist. Businesses need to figure out how to take advantage of changing trends in the best way possible. As people are growing more environmentally conscious, the scope of greener products is growing.

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