minimalist kitchen with equipment

Kitchen Equipment That Deserves Extra TLC

• Hand wash knives after each use and store them in a knife block or sheath to maintain sharpness. 

• Run dishwashers regularly to prevent bacteria growth and avoid clogs.

• Clean cooking appliances such as cooktops, ovens, and microwaves after each use. 

• Take note of specific ways to care for different types of pans and pots. 

We all know that cooking can be an enjoyable and creative experience. But it can also be overwhelming, especially if you are new to the kitchen. There is so much to consider—what ingredients to use, what recipes to prepare, what techniques to employ—so it’s crucial that you have the right tools for the job. And with those tools comes a certain level of responsibility as some items require more maintenance than others. Here’s a look at the kitchen equipment that deserves extra care and attention.


A good set of knives is essential for any kitchen. Not only do they make food prep easier, but they can last you a lifetime if properly maintained.

To keep your knives in top shape, you should always hand wash them with soap and water after use and dry them off immediately. You should also store them in a knife block or sheath rather than in drawers, where they can rub against other utensils and become dull over time.

Additionally, sharpen your knives regularly (ideally each time before use) so that they remain sharp and effective. Use a honing steel to realign the blade and a sharpening stone to remove metal from the blade and create a sharper edge.


No kitchen is complete without a dishwasher. Not only does it make clean-up time a breeze, but if properly maintained and used correctly, it can last for years.

To keep your dishwasher in tip-top shape, you should run it regularly to prevent bacteria growth and avoid clogs in the drain trap. Additionally, clean the inside of your dishwasher every few months with baking soda and vinegar to remove soap and food residue.

You also should avoid overloading and stacking dishes, as this can impede water flow and cause a decrease in cleaning performance. Lastly, make sure you choose the right detergent for your machine—some may be too harsh or not strong enough for your needs.

a woman emptying a dishwasher

Cooking Appliances

Cooking appliances like cooktops, ovens, and microwaves are the workhorses of your kitchen. To ensure they last as long as possible and operate efficiently, you should always clean them with mild detergent and warm water after each use. Here are some more specific tips:


Remove any grease or food residue from the surface with a non-abrasive cloth and then buff it dry. It’s also helpful to source suppliers for high-quality Viking cooktop parts to replace broken pieces as needed.


Empty out any crumbs or spills after each use, as they can burn and produce smoke. Use a gentle cleaner to clean the inside of your oven at least once per month, taking care not to get cleaners on the heating elements.


Be sure to clean out any messes that may have splattered inside your microwave. Use a damp cloth or sponge and mild detergent to wipe down the interior walls of your appliance.

man and woman cooking pots in a stovetop

Pans and Pots

Pans and pots are among the most used items in any kitchen. To keep them in good condition, you should hand wash them with warm soapy water after each use and dry them off completely before storing them. Here are some types of pans and how to care for them:

Stainless Steel Pans

Use a few drops of oil when cooking to prevent sticking and scorching. Once finished, it’s important to thoroughly clean the pan with warm soapy water and dry it off immediately. You should also avoid using steel wool, which can cause scratches.

Nonstick Pans

Nonstick pans are great for making omelets or flipping pancakes without sticking, but they’re not indestructible. Sudden changes in temperature can cause them to warp or even break apart entirely. To ensure your nonstick pans last as long as possible, never preheat them when empty (this could cause warping), and avoid using metal utensils that might scratch their surface and eventually lead to food sticking to the pan during cooking.

Cast Iron Pans

Cast iron pans require regular seasoning in order to function properly. This involves coating the pan with oil and then baking it at high heat for an hour or so until a glossy finish appears on its surface (you may need to repeat this process several times). If neglected, however, cast iron pans can rust quickly due to their porous nature.

Taking care of your kitchen equipment is essential for keeping it functional for years to come. Knives must be washed by hand with soap and water after each use, cooking appliances should be maintained properly, and pans should be washed and seasoned when necessary. By following these simple rules, you’ll be well on your way toward having a beautiful, well-maintained kitchen.

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