truck driving

Important Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Career in Truck Driving

The trucking industry provides one out of every 16 jobs in the United States. This is according to the American Trucking Association. A career in trucking promises a lot of things including adventure, freedom, easy training as well as high income.

Almost every boy in America has considered a trucking lifestyle at one point or another, starting with running their toy trucks on their living room floors. If you are considering that truck driving job opening, here are some points to consider.

You will be driving for several long hours straight

In many ways, we have heard that being an over the road driver is more than a job; it is a lifestyle. You will be required an upward of 300 days and 125,000 miles per year on the road. That equates to roughly 500 miles a day. Many people do not realize how much driving and sitting is involved.

While you may be driving through picturesque views and local stopovers, you will have to stay on the road for hours upon hours. This is not a bad thing, but it is something that you should seriously consider. A career in trucking requires you to stay focused to meet your deadlines, minimum hours and minimum mileage.

You will be away from home for some time

Generally, being on the road means you are away more than you are at home. This can place a great deal of stress and pressure on your spouse. It is important that they understand these realities and work with you to ensure that your relationships do not suffer.

But more than your spouse accepting these facts, you yourself should know if you are ready for all these time away from the family. The good news is, there are a lot of different routes and options to consider. You’ll have to find the job with requirements that you can easily manage.

Some jobs will require you to do short-haul drives with a weekly minimum of 40 hours only while others will demand you to be away from your family for weeks or even a month. These long haul jobs will pay you more handsomely, of course.

You can be lonely on the road

truck on a road

Before pursuing a career in trucking, you have to figure out what type of trucker you want to be. You can either be part of a team trucker, or you can decide to stick to hitting the road alone. Each type of trucker has its own set of pros and cons.

One reason that many drivers choose to drive solo is simply the fact of having their own personal space. They do not have to worry as much about how many clothes they pack for the trip or how they choose their belongings. Solo driving allows them to be in control at all times.

If you’ve chosen to be a solo driver, you have to realize that it can become lonesome after a while. According to a survey, 1.5% of the American population suffers from depression. In comparison, 13.6%  of truck drivers suffer from some level of depression.

One of the common causes identified is because of this solitary lifestyle. Long hours spent in the truck alone and with little contact with other people can be depressing. You must prepare and plan yourself for this challenge before signing on to be a driver.

A career in truck driving is never an easy one. There are select occupations where you need first to sit down and discuss with loved ones before pursuing them. Being a truck driver is one such occupation. By knowing the many challenges that come with the job, you can plan and prepare yourself physically and mentally to become successful.

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