
Five Questions Your Contractor Needs to Answer

Building or renovating a house or an office building requires time, effort, and money. This is a decision you don’t do offhandedly. You don’t casually hire the first contractor you find on Google. Rather, you need to figure out what to ask a contractor and how their answers will affect your decision to hire them or not.

Do you want a contractor who sources their construction staffing from a third-party company? Do you want a contractor who has in-house plumbers, welders, electricians, and carpenters? Ideally, you should have a shortlist of three candidates. Take time to meet with these contractors so that you can get an idea if they are a match for your construction needs.

How Long Have You Been in the Business?

You can judge a contractor’s experience and quality of work by how long they have been in the business. Those who have been in the business for decades tend to provide a better-quality service. They also know how to deal with different challenges that crop up during a project.

Companies with experience have already created a system and process that work for everyone involved in the project. You’re also assured that they have the necessary certifications and licenses. Otherwise, how could they have survived in the industry that long if they’re doing things illegally?

What Kind of Insurance Do You Have?

A company that is insured is different from a contractor having the “right” insurance policies. In general, contractors should have both workers’ compensation and liability insurance. These are done to protect the welfare of their workers, as well as their clients. These insurance policies will give you the peace of mind that the contractor is insured for the type of work they’re doing.

What is the Timeline for Completion?

You probably have a deadline when the project should be completed. Your contractor should be well aware of that timeline. The contractor needs to discuss with you when the project will start and their projection for when it will be completed. You should also be aware of the different circumstances that might affect this schedule.

Also, you should ask the contractors if they are working on other projects while doing yours. If there are changes in the timeline, how should this affect the payments and completion date? Make sure that all of these are detailed in the contract.

Will There Be a Dedicated Team on the Project?

Contracting companies work on different projects at the same time. It’s important to ask if they are going to have a dedicated team on the project or if they are going to divide their resources among different projects. If different teams will be working on your project, how sure are you that they’ll deliver the same quality of work? You should also get to know the project manager and whether they will oversee the construction every day.

What Is the Payment Schedule?


Never pay the full contract price upfront. That will give all the control to the contractor. Instead, ask the contractor if there is a payment schedule that you should follow. Will you pay per milestone reached? Discuss the payment terms before the contract is signed. You should be aware of how much the project will cost and when each stage will be completed.

You cannot sign up with a contractor you don’t trust. It is the component that will make the project successful. Ask as many questions as you can to satisfy your concerns.

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