DIY Renovation

Common Issues to Prepare for with Your First Time Home DIY Renovation

Across the nation, many people continue to invest in home improvement projects. There has been a boom in the industry for the past few years as homeowners look to add style and personalization while incorporating useful features such as energy efficiency and increasing the long term value of their property.

If you’re a first-time homeowner in Salt Lake City, there’s a lot of upside to a DIY approach to home renovation work. You can save significantly on costs after the initial outlay in your house. But there are some common issues faced by many renovators – here are some of the big ones to prepare for.

Concept and design

The planning stage is important, especially for first-time homeowners and renovators. Many people approach a DIY renovation with a personal style in mind, but unless you’re giving the entire home a facelift, chances are you also need to consider how well changes in a certain area will mesh with the setting. In other words, you’ll need to give thought to reconciling your style choices with the overall look of the rest of the house.

Many successful DIY home renovations are undertaken by individuals who can draw upon considerable resources of experience. Whether gained from handling previous projects, transferred over from other skills or professions, or in the form of mentors or connections within the construction industry, this sort of experience is an invaluable aid to successful planning. If it’s your first time, a reasonable approach would be to undertake a smaller project before moving on to a major renovation of your home.

DIY Renovation

Materials to use

According to a 2018 survey of homeowners across the country who renovated, the cost of products and materials being greater than expected was the most common challenge leading to running over budget for the project. We all have access to plenty of information over the internet, so it comes down to being diligent and finding what’s relevant and practical for you. From brick and lumber to tiles and finishing, try scouting for highly referred local materials suppliers and painting contractors in Salt Lake City to get reliable products and services at cost-effective rates.


Recent figures show that most homeowners use cash to fund their renovations, with credit and loans a distant second and third, respectively, as far as financing options. However, another trend shows that the duration of occupancy reverses these preferences, as long-term owners increasingly favor loans. The lesson here can be quite simple – using cash and credit cards makes sense for first-time owners and renovators tackling small projects. When you’re more comfortable and ready to work on bigger renovations, you can consider taking out a loan to finance the scope of the job.


Adhering to your planned timetable is important, but like so many other things, it can get easier with more experience. Working under the varied seasons and conditions here in Utah, veteran renovators have an idea what time of the year is best suited to a specific task, such as outdoor installation or roofing, and how important it is to finish on time. Getting a job done on schedule is a matter of discipline, but also knowing when to reach out and hire expert help to deal with tasks where paying for professional services may be well worth the cost.

Starting small is often the smart plan for your first time DIY renovation. You’ll gain valuable experience along the way, which you can apply to bigger efforts later on.

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