big patio with a great view

Build That Dream Patio: How to Do It Right

Have you ever thought about making your backyard even better? The best way to do that is by adding a patio, where you can rest and relax on lazy summer days. However, a patio is a significant addition to your home, and it is easy to make a mistake when it comes to building it.

Here are some useful bits of advice that you can use to ensure that it comes out right.

Find the Right Location

The first step in setting up your patio is to find the right place for it. If you have a small backyard, this should be an easy decision. But for those with larger spreads, deciding where to place your patio is a crucial decision. There are a couple of things to keep in mind.

You will want a location that is close to your house and has as much privacy as possible.

Plan Things Out

Once you’ve settled on a location, it is time to figure out some plans for your patio. Determine precisely what you need your patio for. Will it be your prime morning spot for breakfast? Will you be the only one using it? This is important since it will influence design decisions.

For example, if your patio is meant for entertaining guests, then you will need a patio that is accessible from the main house and has a path that can accommodate someone bringing refreshments and the like. You should consult with a local contractor about what is possible for your patio.

They may have ideas about the design and how to handle it. Plus, they will be able to tell you if you need a permit to build up your patio.

Lay Down a Proper Foundation

Exterior covered patio with fireplace and furniture. Wood ceiling with skylights.

With plans finalized, it is time to start building. The initial step is to put down a good foundation for your patio. Most patios don’t have complicated structures, but there is still a need for a layer of solid gravel underneath everything to provide maximum support for your patio materials.

Depending on the soil alone will result in an uneven surface. It should be easy to get a delivery of gravel rocks here in Utah. Dig down to a level of one foot for the confines of the patio and then pour the gravel.

Tamp it down to a level, and then you should be ready to put the next layer down, whether it is concrete, sand or something else.

Use the Best Materials

Depending on the type of patio you are making, you will have your pick of materials. The key thing is to pick the best to ensure its durability. A simple concrete pour is the easiest approach and should be quick to do. But you can also use brick, wood or stone for your patio.

So check out the best materials to maximize how well your patio will stand up to the elements.

A patio is a nice addition to your backyard. Properly set-up, it becomes a nice place for you to relax. The tips above should be a big help in ensuring that you build your patio right. With some effort and proper planning, they should help in your efforts to build that perfect patio.

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