Kids playing

7 Activities to Keep Your Children Active and Alert

According to the U.S. Health and Human Services, only 1 in 3 kids are physically active daily, as more children and teens are now spending more than seven hours every day sitting or lying down using gadgets, ranging from smartphones to TVs. This sedimentary way of life can result in kids and teens becoming overweight or obese, which is a habit they may bring to adulthood.

If you want to ensure your child’s health, happiness, and well-being, here are the best activities they can do to stay physically active and alert.

Socialize and Play With Other Kids

Although bringing your kids to the public playground could be more fun and immersive for them, you can’t always be there to watch them, but that doesn’t mean they need to sacrifice their time with friends and playtime.

You can leave your children at a daycare center when you go to work, allowing them to socialize and do activities while giving you peace of mind. Additionally, letting them attend daycare, exposes them to long-lasting social, academic, economic, and physical benefits.


Introducing yoga kids helps them develop healthy habits early on, enhancing their strength, flexibility, and coordination. Additionally, it can also help kids relax, sleep better, and experience a sense of calmness, allowing them to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally better.


Dancing is a fun activity that almost every child loves to participate in. However, besides enjoyment, dance helps children develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively better — strengthening their bodies and teaching them essential life skills while having fun. You can make their activity more fun by playing ‘freeze dance,’ where everyone needs to stop whenever the music stops. It’s a surefire way to get your children off the couch.


Hula hooping is a fun and quick activity that can raise your child’s energy level through the roof while having fun. It’s perfect for the indoors and helps strengthen a kid’s core muscles, but remember to stay far away from furniture or breakables. Besides allowing them to remain physically active, hula hooping helps improve their range of motion in their big joints.

Scavenger Hunts

A Scavenger hunt is a fun and special activity that your child can do with friends, siblings, or yourself — but ensure you play along! Besides piquing their curiosities, allowing them to participate in scavenger hunts lets them practice their problem-solving skills, reinforcing and act-out methods they’ve been taught in a fun and active way, leading to increased retention of learning.

Ride Bikes

As a child, getting your first bike will always be a memorable moment and start their journey towards better physical health. Encouraging them young helps them develop healthy habits that are likely to remain with them for a lifetime. Additionally, cycling is an activity that anyone can enjoy, so let your child ride with their grandparents to share some quality time while staying fit.

Playing Hide and Seek

kids having pillow fight

Hide-and-seek gives a child the chance to hone all their senses while building their stamina and muscle development. It’s a fun physical activity that they can do with friends and siblings.

As a parent, you can help your child grow up to be healthy and be the best version of themselves. You can start ensuring a brighter and more productive future for them by helping shape their attitude and behavior towards physical activities at an early age. Encourage your child to participate in any fun activities mentioned at least 60 minutes or more each day for a healthier and more active future.

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