Fiber Optic cables connected to an optic ports and Network cables connected to ethernet ports

Top Ways to Protect and Optimize Your Company Server and Telecoms

Computer servers and telecommunications facilities are critical components of any company’s daily operations. This is particularly true if the processes, services, and products of the company rely on the smooth functioning of these facilities.

With this, it’s vital to protect your company server and telecoms from possible damages. For one, you may purchase a fiber optics box from a trusted manufacturer if your server has components that use fiber optic technology. The enclosure will protect the fragile fiber optics cables made of glass against damages, so your server won’t accidentally bog down.

You could also order custom-made enclosures for your servers and telecoms facilities to prevent damages caused by violent shaking or accidental dropping.

Additionally, you should follow these ways to keep your telecom systems safe and in optimal operating condition:

Do periodic clean-ups

Like anything with components that run practically 24/7, computer servers and telecoms facilities require tender loving care.

Over time, these facilities could gather dust, perform below optimal levels, and have some components needing repair or replacements. When ignored, they could suffer serious damages and could even crash down entirely, thereby jeopardizing company operations.

For servers, you need to use an ESD-safe vacuum to remove the dust inside the server box to avoid causing electrostatic damage to the components. You should also apply the same extreme care when cleaning your telecoms facilities to avoid unnecessary damages.

Run a maintenance schedule

It’s also vital to schedule preventive maintenance works to ensure that your telecoms and servers are in tip-top shape. Through such maintenance, you’ll see if there are components that must already be upgraded or repaired or if there are hardware and software issues that need immediate attention.

How frequent you’ll run such maintenance schedules depend on your specific needs but you should, at the very least, have one maintenance check every quarter.

House them inside a cool room

server machine

It may seem like a no-brainer, but there are actually companies that pay little attention to the cooling requirements of their critical telecommunications and computer facilities. Some of them pay a huge cost for such negligence when their systems suddenly shutting down due to overheating.

Experts are divided according to the ideal room temperatures at which computer servers should be kept. Others say it should be anywhere between 50 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, while some recommend 73 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit as the sweet spot for server room temperatures.

The key takeaway here is that different companies have unique cooling requirements for their data centers and telecoms facilities. It’s better to ask for an expert’s recommendations to ensure that the room temperatures inside your server and telecoms rooms are perfectly suited.

Install strong deterrents against server attacks

Computer servers are infinitely vulnerable to various types of attacks such as DDoS and malware. When not addressed immediately, such attacks could cause tremendous damages and potential loss of priceless company data.

That is why it’s imperative that you lay down strong deterrents to such attacks on your server. One is by getting SSL encryption from a reputable company, as well as having an Intrusion Detection System. It’s also important to keep your servers updated so they’re better protected against new forms of attacks.

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