teacher painting with kids

The Value of Art Programs in Schools

These days, art in schools has been declining. In many academies, subjects like science and mathematics (which are deemed more useful and profitable) have been given increased importance. As a result, many art programs, from visual arts and creative writing to performance arts, suffer from cuts to both the materials given and the hours dedicated to them.

Thankfully, some organizations have worked to provide lesson plans and worksheets that students and teachers can use for free. These have helped keep art programs alive, especially in communities that are not so financially fortunate enough to have funds to spare for these programs. Here are some of the things that art can do for students:

Develop other styles of learning

There is more to learning and education than knowing how to solve a few equations and crunch a few formulas. Training in the visual arts helps develop a sense of balance, which is necessary to making academic work look presentable and easy to understand. Writing and performance arts, on the other hand, will teach students proper communication techniques. Communication skills are an absolute must because information dissemination has become more straightforward. These, in turn, will help students become adaptable to all modes of learning: visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic.

Train children to become cultured critical thinkers

Art education teaches children the importance of decision-making or critical-thinking skills. Figuring out the best way to express yourself is a massive challenge in itself, so students are encouraged to think things through and produce a work of art that they will be proud of. Hence, problem-solving skills are also honed.

At the same time, given the importance of classical works of art in human history, art programs will make children more educated and cultured. This, in turn, enables them to connect with the broader world and understand their role to play in this life.

Boost creativity and confidence

kids paintingParticipating in art programs helps children step outside their comfort zone and provides an avenue for them to relate with the world. This way, they can boost their self-confidence as they witness their improvement or progress.

Furthermore, art gives children the best opportunity to express themselves, which is also a way for them to try to understand both themselves and the world around them. This will develop a healthy sense of identity and purpose in their lives.

Instill perseverance and collaboration

Setting up an exhibit or a theater production is not easy and requires several people to work together. These types of challenges will teach children the values of hard work, perseverance, and teamwork. This way, students will learn how to deal with problems that come their way without backing down. Furthermore, they will learn to rely on the help or support of others.

In the end, you should remember that creativity is one of the things that sets us apart as human beings. With that in mind, expressing ourselves through art can ground us in our humanity and remind us of the things that matter in this world.

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