Tips for Preparing Your Yard and Lawn for the Summer

The past year and a half have been hard for many of us, which is why the warmer months are always welcome. It signals brightness, vitality, and new opportunities to have fun outdoors, even if it’s just in our backyard. But summer can also signal many health and safety hazards for our family, which is why we need to ensure that our homes and backyards are ready for all the fun. Here are some ways to prepare your backyard for all the activities you and your family will have this season.

Get rid of disease-causing pests

Not a lot of homeowners know that mosquitoes thrive in hot and humid weather. Scientists say that mosquitoes love warm and wet environments, which is why one of the best things you can do for you and your family at the dawn of summer is by getting rid of every trace of them on your property. Consider hiring a team of mosquito control specialists to eliminate mosquitoes and their eggs across your property.

It’s not just about getting rid of the ones that are already existing and flying around; it’s also about completely removing the eggs they’ve laid on your property. Give yourself some peace of mind knowing that your kids are safe from diseases like dengue fever and malaria, even when they’re playing in the yard during dusk.

Fertilize your grass

No matter how small or big your yard is, your kids and pets will benefit so much from healthy grass. Choose a fertilizer based on the grass that’s growing in your yard. Opt for a nitrogen-rich fertilizer as soon as your grass starts showing signs of vibrancy, and fertilize again when late summer approaches.

Eliminate excess thatch

Thatch is any plant material that’s already decaying. Having too many dead or decaying plant materials can block sunlight from your grass and block water from reaching deep roots. Removing thatch is pretty straightforward: You can rake it up while you’re raking dead leaves on the ground during the fall, but you can also do it in late spring. This process should be done while you’re aerating your lawn.

Give your lawn some tender loving care

Aerating your lawn is simply the practice of allowing oxygen, water, and other important nutrients to penetrate the roots of your grass more effectively. It will ensure that your grass has a healthy root system, which is key to having a stunning, lush, and healthy lawn during the summer. The best time to aerate your lawn will depend on where you are and the kind of grass you have. Consider consulting with a gardener to gain a deeper insight into your region’s native grass and when is the most optimal time for you to aerate.

Water your lawn properly

There is a rhyme and reason for proper lawn watering. Here are some tips to ensure that you’re doing it right:

  • During your grass’s peak growing season, give it about 1 inch of irrigation once a week.
  • Water your lawn at night or early morning so that your lawn’s grass has more hours to absorb the water before sunlight dries them out.
  • Use single and deep irrigation because your grass needs deep and healthy roots, and the way to do that is to avoid brief sprinklings.

Mow the yard

During summer, you need to mow your grass at least once a week, but it can also depend on how your grass will grow throughout the season, especially considering how the climate can change no matter what time of year. Let your grass grow to a height of about 2.5 to 3 inches, except during the height of summer, when you should allow it to grow for another half an inch. Mowing the grass properly and regularly is crucial to giving your yard a sleek and manicured look, and it will help keep your grass growing as healthily as possible, too.

Prune your shrubs and trees

Another way to get rid of harmful insects is by properly pruning your trees and shrubs, especially those damaged by the weather. Look for damaged and dead limbs, which can be easily identified through their lack of color and living and healthy foliage. Another thing you need to watch out for are tree limbs that extend over walkways, driveways, or any area in your yard where people often congregate. These dead limbs can be a safety hazard if they fall.

Experts warn that this year’s summer will be one of the hottest we’ve ever had, so we need to ensure that our homes are ready. Prepare your yard for the heat and humidity, and keep you and your kids safe from health and safety hazards.

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