termites crawling around

Pointers for Preventing Termite Infestation

You are moving to a farmhouse just outside of Kansas City. So many things are going on right now with the move. Settling stuff related to your old house, calling movers, etc. A window replacement company and an air duct cleaning team had also been scheduled to check the new home.

You’re from Montana originally, and you’re used to the wild and the mountains and would know your way around a forest. One thing that you’re not too familiar with are issues that destroy a house. You learned that Missouri is one of the states with a big problem with termites and mostly the subterranean kind, which reportedly cause the most severe damage to homes. They also pose more danger compared to the other types of termites. What can you do to protect your home from termites?

Here are a few things to note.

Termites in America

A private report in 2018 pegged Houston, Texas, at the number one spot for cities with the most termite infestation.

Termite experts classify the likelihood of termite infestation as heavy, moderate, light, and none to light. Most of the southern and southeastern states have higher chances of infestation.

Pest control experts classify termites as either subterranean or Formosan. You already know what the subterranean does. Formosans are regarded as the ones creating greater economic destruction in the USA because they eat up wood very rapidly and can thrive by building nests above ground.

exterminator spraying chemicals in the house

What You Can Do

Whether it’s subterranean or Formosan, both are hair-raising thoughts. Getting ahead of this potential threat should be one of your main action points. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Moisture is the enemy. If flowers are to bees, then it’s moisture to termites. Find ways to prevent moisture deposits near the foundation of your house. Termites enjoy humidity. Wet soil serves as magnets, and an infestation can start in these areas. Make sure that your spouts and gutters are diverting water away from the foundation of your house.
  2. Keep potential food away. Wood components of your house touching the earth should be eliminated. These components should have at least a six-inch separation from the soil. Do not let firewood rest alongside the foundation of your house. All these serve as practical food and eventually a nesting place for termites. Also, wood mulch is pleasing to the eyes, but if you fear infestation, do not use mulch or use very little of it.
  3. Clean and repair. Even dust serves as food for termites. It should go without saying, but clean your house regularly and thoroughly. Nooks and crannies where dirt can accumulate will also be a food source for termites. Whether it’s a leaking faucet outside or issues with decaying roof shingles, you’ve got to get them fixed.

Finally, you can DIY many things in and around the house. Eliminating termite infestation should not be one of them. The DIY approach won’t work. You need to hire a professional pest control service provider to diagnose your house and the surrounding soil properly. It will cost you, but it will save you a lifetime of headaches.

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