avoiding alcohol

Road to Sober Living: Mistakes to Avoid When Overcoming Your Addiction

Not everyone knows the work and commitment that comes with recovering from any addiction. There is a need to make drastic lifestyle changes to stop one’s addiction from ruining their life. It is effortless to say that you are now saying yes to sobriety. But it is only when you are in the position yourself that you can tell just how difficult avoiding relapse is.

You may have started your road to sobriety. The problem is, one’s chances of going into a relapse are high even after graduating from a rehabilitation center. Simply completing treatment won’t guarantee sobriety for the rest of your life.

Don’t want all those years of treatment to come to waste? Know that there are certain things you can do to avoid going on a relapse. Here are some major don’ts of trying to stay sober.

Trying to Walk the Integration Process on Your Own

Simply getting treatment is often not enough to stay sober. Most people fall into relapse because they don’t have a solid foundation and support system needed to get through the transitional phase. Going back to your home and old habits after rehab won’t guarantee lasting sobriety.

It is crucial that you get the necessary help you need to make the integration phase easy. The best solution is to find a local sober living home to help you go through this challenging phase. With the help of the pros, sober living for women is now made more manageable.

The experts and the facilities you will be staying at will help you prepare yourself for your new life. The communities and environments are optimizing for long-term sobriety. Know that there is no reason for you to undergo the integration process on your own when there are people and services waiting for you to practice long-term sobriety.

Keeping to Yourself

There is a big difference between staying away from toxic people who remind you about your addiction and isolating yourself from the world. Remember that we are social beings and that love and belongingness are part of our needs. This means a healthy social circle is crucial to one’s recovery.

You must surround yourself with people that will help encourage you to stop your addiction tendencies. There is no point in keeping everything to yourself when you have a wonderful network waiting for you to open up. Know that you are never alone in your journey to sobriety.

Know your other options if you can’t find anyone in your circle who can provide the support you need. They are support groups for those who are recovering from addiction. You might be surprised to find a lifetime buddy or two who will help you get through this difficult phase in your life.

Skipping Regular Exercise

Let’s say you are thriving even if you don’t make time for regular exercise. You think you are in perfect health and no longer need to stay active. But remember that regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, which is crucial for your recovery.

Different studies support the notion that there is a direct link between exercise and addiction recovery. Your body goes through different changes when trying to fight addiction. One thing that can make these changes feel manageable is by engaging in regular exercise.

Exercise has so many health benefits. When trying to stay sober, exercise can help distract those urges to go back to your old ways. It can engage your mind, tire your body, and even improve your stress levels so you can stop thinking about temporary relief.

Not Having Realistic Expectations

Simply finishing your treatment is not the end of your journey. The arduous part is actually staying sober years after. If you don’t set your expectations straight, you can go back to your old ways, and all of your efforts will be good for nothing.

People should stop expecting that after treatment and rehabilitation, everything will now be easy. Far too many people went down this road only to relapse a few years after. Avoid harmful patterns in your life, or you will find it hard to stay away from the very cause of your addictive tendencies.

Recognize your triggers, learn how to avoid them, and give yourself some slack. Always try to get back on track, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Learn to forgive yourself if you slip and learn to respect yourself as you should.

Avoiding relapse can be hard but not impossible. The key is to know what things you need to avoid so that you can enjoy your road to recovery. Keeping this list in mind can help you win your battle with addiction.

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