smiling dental patient

Orthodontics improves more than just your appearance

There was once a time when adults would usually think twice about straightening crooked teeth. This is no longer the case with the wide availability of forward-thinking orthodontic solutions like Invisalign Wagga. Investing in orthodontic treatment plans not only helps improve the dental condition of the patient (so that they can eat and speak better) but also helps them feel better about the look of their smile.

Why is liking the look of one’s smile so important? A glance at one research study may provide a clue. The Oral Health Advisory Panel (OHAP) commissioned a study – ‘The Australian Camera-Ready Smile’ – that investigated how adults in Australia evaluated smiles. The study involved participants’ selfie shots shared on social media platforms. They were asked to rate the different characteristics that made the selfies appealing.

Over half of participants – 57 percent – were in favour of the smile as the most attractive trait in the composition of a selfie as opposed to being pictured in exotic locations or participating in adrenaline-pumping activities.

These findings coincide with the general view that smiles play an influential role in how perceptions of others are formed. We first look at the smile as a sign, before even a word can be spoken, to tell if someone is friendly, trustworthy, capable or kind.

People with attractive smiles are found to be more likely to be successful in life, whether this is in social or professional contexts. So it is no wonder that the increase in adult patients turning to orthodontics to give them better-looking smiles continues to grow.

The effects of a beautiful smile


The advantages of upgrading the look of a smile are many and far outweigh the costs of dental treatments (orthodontic and cosmetic) involved. Some of these benefits that are far-reaching may be unexpected.

The better opportunity for a job promotion. People with naturally aligned teeth are seen as more trustworthy and with leadership potential. Job candidates with crooked teeth or other unsightly dental issues fail in favour of those with more appealing smiles when it comes to securing a job or promotion opportunities.

It can improve oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is the first line of defence against many dental conditions and diseases. Straightening crooked teeth improves the effectiveness of a patient’s at-home daily oral hygiene obligation to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

It can improve psychosocial wellbeing. People who smile readily are considered warm and approachable – two critical factors that encourage positive relationships with others socially and at work.

Happier people stand a better chance of living a longer life. The mechanical act of smiling initiates responses in the brain – the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that are responsible for making us feel better. The better we feel, the more positive we are, and the more positive we are, the more empowered we are to make good and healthy choices about our lives. We take better care of our health which usually translates into a longer lifespan.

Orthodontic treatment can quite easily influence radiant health and happiness. It all starts with a visit to a trusted dental clinic for a consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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