senior couple

Moving Your Senior Parents to Your Home? Here’s How to Prepare for It

There are many reasons adult children prefer to have their elderly parents stay with them at home. They don’t have to worry about their parents’ condition or situation, or they want their children to spend time with their grandparents. However, this type of living arrangement presents challenges, especially if your parents have health conditions that require special attention.

If you’re planning to ask your parents to move to your home, make sure you are ready to accommodate their needs. This will entail acquiring the necessary tools and equipment, such as handlebars in the bathroom, and learning emergency care practices. Both will create a comfortable environment for your senior parents.

A Guide to Preparing Your Home for Older Adults

When you decide to let your parents stay with you, understand the type of care they need and how you can provide it. Then, you can prepare the space for their move.

Get Professional Help

taking care of elder woman

Taking care of your elderly parents will likely be a full-time job, especially if they have medical conditions that need monitoring. Hiring someone to help you spreads out the workload, allowing you to handle your other responsibilities in the household.

If you plan to take on this task on your own, you should consider attending caregiving or CNA training. The training program will teach you skills, including basic personal care, body mechanics and exercise principles, and how to take vital signs.

Install Structural Modifications

Your parents might require mobility tools to move around with ease. They might also need home enhancements to prevent tripping or falling. Consider the following structural modifications in your home:

  • Grab bars in bathrooms and along the walls
  • Additional handrails along the staircase
  • Ramps for the front porch and back patio

You may opt to install them on your own, but hiring a professional assures you of the quality of build or installation.

Find Financial Assistance

The cost of caring for your older parents can add up and cause financial strain. Fortunately, there are financial aid programs that can cover some of these expenses.

The National Council on Aging provides free services to elderly citizens across the country through its BenefitsCheckUp® initiative. Get access to food and nutrition programs or income assistance programs for your parents when you sign up.

Additionally, check your state’s programs to see if you can get paid for being a caregiver. Some states provide financial assistance to families who take on the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents at home. You can receive additional funding to make sure your parents get what they need when they need it.

Take Care of Yourself

You won’t be able to care for your parents if you are sick or burned out. Pencil in time for yourself every day to make sure you can rest and recharge. Participate in activities that will help your mind relax, such as yoga or meditation.

Taking on the responsibility of caring for aging parents is seen as a labor of love. Some even consider it a noble cause. No matter how you look at it, you will need all the help you can get. Use the suggestions provided to prepare yourself and your home for this change.

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