Modern kitchen

How to Remodel Your Indoor Kitchen to Get That Outdoor Vibe

How do you picture a perfect world? Is it that icy Christmas village you see inside your snow globes? Or is it a tropical paradise where the birds are chirping early in the morning, the sun streams from the windows, and your kitchen faces the calming waves of the ocean? We don’t live in Santorini or a château in the French Riviera, so that won’t be a possibility for us. What is possible for many, of course, is to get some of that outdoor vibe inside the house. Specifically, we want it in the kitchen area where we congregate for family meetings or to share in a tub of popcorn.

It is not impossible to bring in more light and nature-inspired design to your kitchen. You spend many hours there, preparing meals for the family or just sitting on the counter and deciphering the bills. Why shouldn’t it receive the same attention as your bedroom and living room? If your bedroom looks like it was taken out of a page of the Architectural Digest, why shouldn’t your kitchen receive the same treatment?



When it comes to bringing in more light to your house, it’s all about the location. You need to maximize the amount of light that gets into your home. That means placing the kitchen where the sunlight will likely stream inside.

South-facing kitchens receive the most sun. If your kitchen is facing the north, it will receive less natural light. You’d have to depend on artificial light. But if you live in a hot climate, you should aim for the east side. It’s where you can get that soft morning light you want.

Glass Doors and Windows

To get as much natural light as you want, you have to install glass doors and glass windows. Just make sure to install high-quality window shutters as well because the sun during high noon can be uncomfortable. If you have a wall dividing your kitchen and backyard, why not break that wall down and install large glass windows and doors? If you live in a bug-free climate, you can keep those doors and windows wide open to let that summer or cool breeze inside. That will reduce your energy bills, too.


Do you have the extra budget for a skylight? If you have, this is the most gorgeous way to let the natural light enter your home. This is especially helpful for north-facing and interior-sited kitchens. At night, the skylight turns into black boxes, so you have to install light fixtures to keep your kitchen properly lit even at night. It’s also for your safety that you need light fixtures here at night.

Exterior Elements

Another trick you can do to bring that outdoor vibe in your home is to bring exterior elements inside. What are the design elements that you most associate with the outside? Brick pavers, reclaimed wood, and plants are among the elements that you can bring inside your kitchens. They will help make your kitchen look a cross of a traditional kitchen and wooden deck.


Bringing in the colors of nature inside your kitchen is another sure way of sprucing it up for that outdoor feel. Focus on colors that remind you of nature. And no, not brown, cream, and taupe. You want to use colors that brighten up the space. Use sky blue, sunny yellow, and verdant green to achieve the vibe you want to achieve. Of course, these colors will only work if you let as much sunlight in.

Indoor plants


There can be no outdoor vibe without plants. Bring as many plants as you can. Try not to let the kitchen look like an extension of your garden, though. You can grow herbs on your windowsill. You can also place pots and vases of plants on your countertop. These greens will remind you of your garden. This is especially helpful if you have little to no garden at all.


Keep the space as open as possible. You can break down walls so the kitchen and dining room can have that open and airy vibe. Even with ample light, an open-layout concept will make your kitchen look more spacious and lighted. Aren’t those what remind you most about the great outdoors? Space and light?

See? It is not too difficult to bring in some of that outdoorsy vibe inside your homes. At a time like this, when people are still fearful of the pandemic, it is especially important to model and design your home with nature and the great outdoors in mind.

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