Girl with her tutor at home

Home Schooling: A Possible Option to Families?

There are two schools of thought when it comes to home schooling. The first considers home schooling as affordable, and parents save a lot by not sending their kids to a regular school. The second believes that home schooling is expensive, and only rich households can afford it. But which one is closer to the truth?

You’re trusting other people with your children’s education when you send them to a regular toddler school in Phoenix, Arizona or other cities. With home schooling, the burden is on your shoulders. You will be the one to teach them their letters, numbers, and general knowledge about the world. You will also teach them statistics, sentence structures, biology, physics, and many more.

Parents who choose to home-school their children may not need to pay school fees, but some states like California require parents to register as private educational institutions. They would also have the opportunity to design the curriculum they want their children to learn, but states like Pennsylvania require home-schooled children to take state exams. So what do families get from home schooling?

Studies Showed Benefits of Homeschooling

There are over two million home-schooled children in the United States right now. That number is growing by 10% each year. Studies show that home schooling makes children perform better in academics. They do well on standardized tests. They work independently. They also excel in college and succeed as employees.

Home schooling gives parents and children freedom. They can choose what subjects to teach first. They can travel while learning. They can rest better since the kids don’t need to get ready for work.

But, that does not mean that home schooling doesn’t have its drawbacks. It can be more expensive than attending regular public (and even private) schools.

The Cost of Home schooling: Single-income Household

Two kids being taught at home

Home-schooling parents can’t work. A two-income household c ould be redued to a single-income family since one of the parents needs to stay at home with the kids. This strains the financial capability of the family. Homeschooling might require parents to pay exam fees for their children to pass state exams. Though there are free modules and tutorials on the Internet, you still need to create a curriculum that meets the requirements of the government.

They will take exams to test their knowledge. They have to go on field trips. You need to buy workbooks and study materials. You need to set play dates with other homeschooling kids. Homeschool academies hold a variety of activities aimed at socializing. Homeschooled kids need to socialize. Otherwise, they will grow up isolated and unable to make friends.

You need to take your kids to field trips. Instead of sharing the cost, you’ll have to pay for gas, toll fees, entrance fees, food, and many more. The government does not subsidize homeschooling. You have to pay for everything.

Many still question the benefits of home schooling; they still see it as an infringement into the traditional school system. They can’t see parents doing a better job of teaching their children than trained professionals. But some parents can quickly learn how to handle their children better, and in the end, it is still their decision.

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