holiday decorations

Holiday Prep: Cleaning Your Home For The Holidays

The holidays are about to arrive, and that means guests are coming to your home. Whether they are family or friends, you don’t want them to see a messy place. You’ll need to do some preparations to make the house presentable. Here are some things you should do to ensure that you can impress your guests with your housekeeping.

Get The Supplies

The holidays mean decorations and gifts galore. If you don’t have the necessary supplies for these two, you are going to have to go on a shopping trip. Before you go, sit down and pull out all the old decorations you stored from last year. While some homes keep their decorations from year-to-year, this doesn’t mean that you should follow that tradition. Evaluate each decoration and decide whether you will be keeping them for this year. Sometimes, people might want a chance at some fresh decorations, so this is their opportunity.

Besides decorations, you should also have a stock of wrapping supplies. If you plan to be generous with the gifts this year, you need to have quite a bit of wrapping paper. Look around for a unifying theme so that your recipients will appreciate the effort you put into it.

Clean Out The Kitchen Storage

The holiday season is when people are expecting to have a feast on several occasions. This means that you need to have the necessary food for your parties. Cooking will need all those ingredients and more. But to fit all that you need, you need to clean out your fridge and pantry.

For the fridge, this will allow you to do some rearranging and some basic house cleaning. Get rid of all the old and nearly-expired ingredients. You should also do a wipe down so that when you do bring in your fresh ingredients, they won’t get ruined. Try to be aggressive about cleaning out the fridge since you will need all the space that you can get. You can also do some minor tune-ups like cleaning out the fridge’s vents so that they can provide maximum cooling for your foodstuff.

Besides the refrigerator, there is also the pantry that needs some attention. Take note of what is currently inside your pantry, especially the snacks. If your crackers and biscuits are a year old, it is time to replace them. You’ll likely need to serve your guests something when they visit, and something sweet for them should be enough.

Prep the Kitchen

Your kitchen will be the busiest part of your home during the holidays. Whether it is cooking a turkey dinner or baking a gingerbread house, it will be central to providing people with a good time. A dirty and messy kitchen will be a bad thing. So start with cleanup so that everything looks shiny and new. Besides that, you should also check on the oven and other cooking appliances. They’ll need a tune-up so that they will be functional for working over the holidays. Don’t forget about the dishwasher, too. It will be important in the cleanup after the holiday feasts so that you don’t end up scrubbing dishes for the rest of the night.

Fix The Layouts of The Dining Room And Living Room

The next step is determining whether your living room and dining room have the right layouts. These rooms are where you entertain your guests. You’ll need to evaluate how many people will be coming over. This can range from an intimate gathering with family to a reunion with friends. This may decide whether you will be taking a trip to the furniture store to pick up a new sofa or an extra chair. With the potential guests cleared up, you should then rearrange things so that your rooms have maximum movement and space for all of them. This ensures that everyone will have a comfortable time.

Don’t Forget The Bathroom

With guests coming over, you also need to prepare your bathrooms for the influx of guests. That means you need to get more soap, tissue paper, and more. You should also ensure that your toilet is working properly to avoid any unpleasantness. Clean out the bathroom so that people will find it clean when they come in to do their business. They’ll appreciate the effort.

decoration preparation

A clean house is a welcoming place for guests. It means that you took the time to get ready for them. A dirty home means that you don’t care whether guests are coming or not. If you want to show your friends and family that you appreciate and treasure them, then put in the effort to clean things up and be presentable.

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