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Designing a Home That Boosts Your Wellness Quotient

In today’s world, most of us are living a fast-paced life, always looking for adventures at a great speed. When in fact, slowing down is even more essential for our mind and body to recharge and reset. We need to take time to focus on what matters most – our health. And as our outside environment poses more and more threats to our health, having our personal and private space for wellness is deemed essential.

Designing a living space focused on a life of intent can positively impact our mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. So to help you create a home that promotes a life of beauty, ease, and wellness, we’ve compiled some awesome ideas for your inspiration.

  1. Declutter your space

First things first. Freeing your living space from any clutter can help keep your mind clear and focused on your daily tasks. It’s said that home clutter can increase our stress and negatively impact our performance and productivity as it somehow competes with our attention. A clutter-free space can fuel your energy levels, reduce your stress, and put you in a better mood.

To start, categorize the items you want to organize and declutter, like your electronics, books, clothes, and so on. You can then prepare four boxes for each category: for recycling, for disposal, for storage, and for items you’re unsure what to do.

  1. Bring in the plants

Filling your home with greenery offers great wellness benefits like improving the air quality. For example, in your bedroom, you have aloe vera and orchids that absorb toxins in the air and releases oxygen. This can help you breathe better, relax, and get a good night’s sleep. You can also have some ferns and bamboo to turn your bathroom into a relaxing wellness sanctuary.

In addition to that, having plants in your home is a natural way to boost your mood. In fact, according to some studies, they can also enhance memory retention, reduce stress levels, and filter out toxic fumes and other air pollutants.

home with plants

  1. Create inspiring areas

One of the best spaces you can set up in your home is a reading nook. Find an unused, quiet corner in your house where you can comfortably read in peace. As they say, reading is the best way to keep your brain engaged, strong, and active. You can also set up a cozy workout studio to encourage you in doing regular exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Additionally, set up spaces for your other activities or hobbies to help you stay focused, productive, and creative. You can have an inspiring home office where you can happily work or an arts and crafts room where you can paint or write in peace.

  1. Improve your backyard

Our outdoor space is just as important as our interior. Spending time outdoors offers tons of great benefits, soothing our bodies to relaxing our minds. But to make that happen, you need to do some work to transform your backyard into your own private wellness retreat. If installing or maintaining a natural grass lawn is too expensive for you, there are durable and completely safe artificial turfs or lawns out there that you can buy.

You can also install a small porch or deck where you can relax and enjoy the fresh air and warm weather. Wood deck tiles are easy to install and won’t require any special skills or tools. What’s more, you can also add some candles or lanterns and comfortable seating to complete the look of your outdoor retreat.

  1. Go for natural interiors

The items or materials we keep in our living space also play a significant role in how healthy our space is. For a wellness design, go with organic and eco-friendly material options. These could be items made from safe or organically dyed linen and cotton, or raw textiles and fibers like wool. Aside from being the ideal options for the health-conscious, natural materials are guaranteed to last for a long time and offer timeless elegance to your living space.

Furthermore, when you buy and use locally-produced, reclaimed, or recycled materials, you are also helping the planet in your own little way. These sustainable items might typically cost more but are worth every penny.

From eliminating clutter in your space to creating spaces for your enjoyment and relation, every detail plays a huge role in designing a home for maximum wellness. Clear out the barriers that hinder you from having a functional and healthy living space. You need a home where you can work, play, exercise, and live with ease. Be sure you take notes of our tips if your goal is to create a joyful and calm sanctuary for yourself.

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