
Could veneers in Birmingham transform your smile?

When smiling gets hard

Our smiles are one of the very first things that other people pick up on. They help us express emotions and feelings, and help us spread joy to others. Every smile is – in its own way – beautiful, and by smiling, we increase the endorphin and serotonin levels in our brains, thus making us feel happier. However, there is a contingency of people for whom smiling may seem impossible. People who have teeth which are stained, chipped or poorly aligned, can often find that how their teeth look has an impact on their self-esteem. This often causes people to smile less frequently, which can potentially damage them further. Those who feel the way their teeth look is having a damaging effect on the way they feel and the amount they smile, should perhaps seek out veneers in Birmingham to restore their smiles and brighten up their lives.

What exactly are cosmetic veneers?

You may recognise veneer treatment from the smiles of various celebrities, as it is a widely sought after method of cosmetic dentistry, due to its ability to completely resculpt a patient’s smile and combat a number of concerns they may have. Unlike other treatments such as teeth whitening or discreet orthodontics, dental veneers do not aim to solve one particular cosmetic issue a patient may have, but rather solve several at the same time. This is made possible by creating individual porcelain shell-like covers for each tooth, which are then permanently bonded to the patient’s existing teeth – effectively giving them a whole new set of teeth.

What does treatment involve?

dentistThe initial stage of undergoing dental veneer treatment begins the same as any other cosmetic dentistry procedure – with a friendly consultation. This allows the patient to be fully clued up about the procedure, and what results they can expect to have once it has been completed. It also lets the patient have any specific questions they may have answered by a professional. The following stage of treatment – if the patient is willing and deemed dentally healthy enough –  involves taking numerous scans and photographs of the interior of the patient’s mouth. These scans are then made into a digitally rendered impression of each individual tooth. These are then used to expertly craft each veneer. Following the completion and returning of the patient’s custom built veneer set, the dentist would then begin the installation of the veneers – with the patient under anaesthetic. A small portion of the patient’s enamel is then filed off, before they are etched slightly to allow stronger bonding with the veneer. Then each shell is bonded to the patient’s teeth one by one, using a specially designed, permanent dental bonding agent. After each veneer has been bonded, the dentist then applies a special UV light to the patient’s teeth to harden the bonding cement. After this, the veneer process is complete and the patient can leave the practice with a healthier looking, straighter and brighter smile. Veneers may require a future check-up visit, to ensure that they are bonded correctly – but generally patients can enjoy their new smile and self-confidence for the foreseeable future.

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