Engagement ring

What Matters in Choosing an Engagement Ring

Healthy relationships progress from one stage to another. When a couple has been together for quite some time as sweethearts, the guy will be ready to pop the question. One essential element of the proposal is the engagement ring. This is the tangible symbolism that the couple is ready to take their relationship to a new level. If you are ready to do so, you may have to think of these considerations before heading out to the jewelry shop:

The Right Fit

This is where most men get stumped. Your soon-to-be fiancée’s finger size matters. You can use a helpful ring size chart to determine this little but important detail. A close friend can also serve as an accomplice for you to be sure of the size. Whatever method you choose, make sure that it is the right fit. It will be awkward to put that ring on her finger only for it to fall off or be stuck midway her finger. Having the perfect fit will also make her feel that the ring is especially meant for her.

Her Daily Activities

Engagement rings are worn most of the time, if not always. But some women opt to keep their rings in their boxes. They only wear them on special occasions or gatherings. This is because it is not appropriate for their lifestyles. You would not want your beloved’s engagement ring to suffer the same fate. Before setting your heart out on a ring, check her daily activities first. Will the style of the ring blend in well with her routine? Or will it be a high-maintenance piece of jewelry? Will she be stressed out checking if the ring’s stone is still on? Make sure that the ring will be a happy reminder of the next chapter of your lives.

Her Personal Preference

Wedding proposal

Is your lady love a romantic one? Or a modern-day gypsy? Maybe she is an elegant princess? Her qualities will determine the style of the ring that she will like. Some go for the big stones. While some like a more subdued style. Look at her clothes, shoes, and accessories for inspiration. You will have a clue about what she likes through these things. Even her favorite color is a good starting point of your search for the perfect engagement ring. This piece of jewelry is all about her. Make sure that it will make her personality stand out.

How Much You Are Willing to Spend

Engagement rings are very important. Still, it does not mean that you have to break your bank account for an engagement ring. Practicality still matters at this stage of your relationship. Remember that you have a wedding and a lifetime to think about. It is okay to lavish her with what you think she deserves. But do your research, and you will see many jewelry shops that will work with the budget that you have. This does not mean that you have to compromise the quality, either. The jewelry industry has stepped up in this area, combining affordability and value. This is to fit the modern needs of people.

A proposal is an exciting day in a couple’s life. It is laden with details such as the way you will propose and where it will take place. But long after the day has gone, one thing remains aside from the memories. Make sure that the engagement ring shines.

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