syringe and glass teeth

What are dental implants?

If you have missing teeth and want to replace them to restore your smile, then dental implants could be the treatment for you. This treatment provides a long-term replacement to your natural teeth, which act and look just like them! A crown will be attached to your implant which will be visible yet discreet and look like your other teeth.

What happens?

Firstly, a consultation meeting will take place with your dentist in St John’s Wood, this allows you to discuss your needs with them. They will take some scans of your teeth such as an X-ray and discuss your overall dental health to make sure you are eligible for this treatment. It is important that you still have enough bone in your jawbone to hold the implant and this will be determined during this consultation appointment.

Secondly, you will have a diagnostics appointment, this is when the type of implant that best suits you is chosen. Further measurements of your teeth will also be taken with additional x-rays, this is very important in making sure the chosen implant will fit and how much bone you have. After this, you will usually have two seperate surgical appointments to complete your dental implant journey.

In your first surgical appointment with your dental practitioner in St John’s Wood, you will have the implant post inserted into your jawbone. This post is what the crown (fake tooth) will be attached to in the second appointment. This post is the foundation of your implant and will be left to fuse to your bone for a few months before the crown is attached. This is vital as it helps with the durability of your implant if it is fully fused to the surrounding bone, this also helps them act like natural teeth.

dental equipment

During your second surgical appointment, another type of post may be inserted. This is called an abutment, and is placed inside of the existing post. The abutment will extend out above the gum line, when an impression is taken. This impression is what will be used to create your custom crown. Crowns are usually made out of porcelain and look just like your other teeth.

Once both posts are healed and ready, your crown can be attached. This is when you will see the difference your implant has made. You can either have it permanently fixed or have a removable option. Your tooth doctor in St John’s Wood will recommend that you have follow-up visits after the treatment so that they can ensure that your implant and crown are adapting well.

Taking care of your implants

The great thing about having dental implants is that they act just like your natural teeth, meaning the way you care for them is the same. As long as you are brushing and flossing regularly and attending regular dental appointments, you are good to go.

With the right care and attention, dental implants themselves can last a lifetime and the crown can last for 15 years. It really is worth looking into getting dental implants if you have gaps in your teeth.

Disclaimer: All dental treatments carry risks, make sure you discuss these with your dentist before moving forward.

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