pregnant woman doing yoga

The Darker Side of Pregnancy No One Tells You About

Pregnancy from a realistic point of view isn’t always beautiful. Maternity photos and other types of media glorifying pregnancy make it seem the opposite, but discomforts, infections, and complications aren’t at all uncommon in pregnancies. By all means, conceiving is still a blessing, but the darker side of it isn’t widely discussed enough, and more women should be aware of them.

Hence, women trying to conceive or currently conceiving should regularly schedule check-ups at OB/GYN clinics in Eagle Mountain or other cities. When symptoms of an issue are spotted early on, complications will less likely occur, resulting in a healthier pregnancy and safe childbirth.

Common Discomforts

When you reveal the fantastic news of your pregnancy, loads of congratulatory remarks come your way, but sooner on your journey, you may wonder why no one told you about the discomforts you’d deal with. Morning sickness is experienced by more than 60% of pregnant women, and cases vary per individual. You can vomit both in the day and night, or only feel nauseous but don’t throw up. It is commonly experienced during the first trimester, but some women report experiencing it in their entire pregnancy. It is still unknown what truly causes morning sickness.

Constant fatigue also plagues many pregnant women. It is commonly felt during the first and third trimester. It can be caused by mental and emotional stress, the natural changes your body undergoes, or possibly, anemia, which is a complication.

Another commonly experienced discomfort is heartburn or acid reflux, with over 50% of pregnant women affected by it. It usually occurs during the second and third trimesters. Indigestion may also be experienced in pregnancy, as well as constipation, which is caused by the changes in your digestive tract to absorb nutrients for your baby, the expansion of your uterus that squeezes your intestines, or side effects of prenatal vitamins.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy also cause insomnias and other sleeping troubles, headaches and migraines, and oral problems. If other discomforts can be expected to cease after some time, oral issues shouldn’t be ignored; visit your dentist during your pregnancy as well, and don’t forget your vitamins.

Common Complications

Even if you’re healthy before conceiving, complications can still occur. You may have a high-risk pregnancy if you’ve been diagnosed or have undergone any of the following:

1. High Blood Pressure

Gestational hypertension, a high blood pressure that only occurs in pregnancy, can be expected to go away after childbirth. However, if you’ve had hypertension, even before pregnancy, medication may be needed.

2. Gestational Diabetes

Like gestational hypertension, this complication also occurs in pregnancy alone. Consult your OB/GYN and follow the treatment plan they prepare for you. Although this isn’t fatal, your baby can grow too large, likely prompting for a CS delivery.

3. Infections

If you’ve contracted infections such as STIs during pregnancy, you and your baby may suffer more complications — and potentially grave ones. The best way to prevent this is by consulting your OB/GYN before conceiving. If you caught the infections during your pregnancy, your OB/GYN could also prescribe treatments.

4. Preeclampsia

The causes of this potentially fatal complication are yet to be known, but those at risk are women getting pregnant for the first time, women who’ve had preeclampsia previously, women older than 35 years, women with existing health conditions, women carrying more than two fetuses, and obese women.

5. Preterm Labor

pregnant woman during check up

Unborn infants at 37 weeks are still finishing the development of their vital organs; hence, birthing them at such a time is risky. Infections, a shortened cervix, or previous preterm deliveries puts women at risk of preterm labor.

6. Miscarriage

Heavy bleeding during pregnancy doesn’t always indicate a miscarriage unless other fluids and tissue also come out. Still, consult your OB/GYN immediately when you experience bleeding.

7. Stillbirth

A stillbirth occurs when the fetus doesn’t survive 20 weeks in the womb. Infections and other chronic health conditions of the mother contribute to stillbirth.

Discomforts may also turn into complications if they’re persistent or severe. In any case, always obtain prenatal care. Discomforts can be managed with ways prescribed by your doctor, and complications can be prevented and/or treated with early examinations.

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