skin problem

It’s Only Skin-Deep: Solutions to Common Skincare Problems

There’s just something about skin problems that affect people on more than just a physical level. Perhaps it’s because anything abnormal with people’s skin can be seen at first glance, leading to feelings of insecurity about the way they look. Acne, eczema, spider veins, oily skin—these are just a few of the skin problems that plague numerous people around the globe.

Tried almost every skincare product advertised but still haven’t found the one for you? Or ready to take an active step towards dealing with your skin problems? Then worry no more. Below is a list of some common skin problems many people all deal with (if not right now, then possibly in the future). Read on to discover solutions that can help you or someone you know. Give yourself the gift of peace that comes with healthy, glowing skin.


acne problems

You can cover this up all you want with concealer and other makeup products, but that is just a band-aid solution. You’ll still face a bad case of pimples taking up space on your face or your back. Although bad hygiene habits don’t cause acne but clogged pores, the appearance of acne can have people call you “unclean” or “dirty.” This is something no one wants. Acne usually makes its appearance during puberty, when the body and hormone levels change, sometimes affecting your skin. Stress can also cause a surge in pimples.

Most dermatologists recommend using over-the-counter acne products with benzoyl peroxide in them and rotating two or three products, so they stay effective. These usually do the trick for face and back acne. However, if you’ve gone through your fair share of acne prescriptions or been prescribed powerful acne medications such as Accutane with no effect, consider holistic Accutane alternatives to see if there’s anything they can do for you.

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are another pesky problem that can show up anywhere. They can show up in your groin area (if you shave or wax down there) to your underarms to your jaw (usually for men after they shave). The painful red bumps are due to growing hairs curling under the skin instead of straight out. You can treat these unseemly bumps at home by gently washing and exfoliating the problem areas. Consider using an exfoliating wash with tea tree oil to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. To treat the redness, swelling and itching caused by ingrown hairs, you can buy a hydrocortisone cream from your local pharmacy.

Oily Skin

Oily skin and acne usually go hand in hand. But if you’ve managed to say goodbye to your acne breakouts or simply want to control the shiny look you always have, consider not scrubbing your face clean every time you feel too greasy. Over cleansing can have the adverse effect of actually causing your oil glands to produce more oil. Something you’re trying to avoid.

Instead, consider using a topical product that contains alcohol to dry up some of that excess oil your face produces. You can usually find this in astringent toners. But if you’re a bit on the fence about using astringents, consider witch hazel as your toner of choice. This natural toner has skin-soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that don’t dry out your skin too much.

Lastly, don’t forget to moisturize. Yes, yes, you’re probably exclaiming, “But won’t that just make my face greasier?” Choose an oil-free moisturizer to avoid slathering even more oil on your face. Keeping your skin moisturized ensures that it doesn’t overcompensate for dry skin by producing too much oil again and sending you into that oily-faced cycle all over again.

“Spider” Veins

Varicose veins (or spider veins, as some would call them) are usually common in older people. This usually appears when the veins in the legs become too weak and burst. The blood pooling in the legs causes these starburst patterns. Leg makeup can be a temporary fix for these unseemly webs. But should you be looking for a permanent fix, consider sclerotherapy. This medical treatment involves injecting a medication into the varicose veins, causing them to collapse and become scar tissue. In effect, blood will then be rerouted to healthier veins.

Remember, you can solve problematic skin issues. You don’t have to suffer them alone. Along with following the advice laid out for you here, make sure to talk with a dermatologist you trust and consider the options you have. Each person has their own unique set of circumstances for the health issues they face, so you must consult with your doctor to gain more in-depth advice regarding what you should do.

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