fashionable women

Fashion Crisis? Here Are Ways to Rediscover Your Style Post-pandemic

After months of quarantine, dressing up and socializing can be a daunting prospect. Many people have forgotten what it feels like to mix and match clothes under time pressure, and the worst part is that they likely don’t remember what pieces they own in the first place. There’s also the fact that you might’ve outgrown your once-favorite clothes, and they don’t make you feel as confident as they once did. Simply put, your fashion sense has evolved, but your wardrobe hasn’t. If you’re in the process of rediscovering your aesthetic in the post-pandemic world, then here are some of the best solutions you can try.

Ditch The Rest

Unfortunately, adding items to your virtual cart isn’t the priority. Trial-and-error through shopping is a huge waste of money. What you need is to go through your wardrobe and select pieces that you still like. Try them on and check your level of comfort. If putting them on makes you want to go outdoors, then keep them. Anything that gives you even a hint of doubt should go to the donations box. Not only will this free up space in your closet, but it will also give you the mental space you need to try new things.

For people who ascribe their personal growth to their fashion sense, this can improve their emotional wellbeing. Throwing away items from your pre-pandemic life to make way for new things might be what you need to enjoy a fresh start.

Identify What Matters

Your fashion sense reflects your personality, general disposition, and values. All three of these could’ve changed drastically when the pandemic began, which is why you need to sit down and identify them.

Perhaps you changed your diet six months ago, and now you’ve successfully transitioned to veganism. This choice will impact the rest of your life, specifically in terms of shopping. You’ll be more conscious of choosing cruelty-free products, and you’ll want to buy clothes only from stores that also advocate against animal abuse.

You could also be drawn to local products now since buying from local businesses is a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint. Whatever changes you notice, list them and use them as a reference when you’re actively rebuilding your wardrobe.

vision board

Create a Vision Board

Are you drawn to the owl necklace you saw on social media? Save it and add it to your vision board. How about those camouflage boots that a new shop near you has on display? Go to their website and save the picture. Follow the style icons whose fashion sense resonates with you, and fill your board with pictures until you’re satisfied.

Once done, refer to your aforementioned list and see which ones match. People are often attracted to many things that they think they want but won’t or can’t use once they have them. This is why you have to be as realistic as possible in determining what you will wear and what is just wishful thinking. This is the fastest means to trim down your options and make wise fashion investments.

Name the Key Pieces

Every fashion aesthetic has key pieces. Yours could be blazers, leather boots, or patterned tights. For others, it could be stencil skirts, crop tops, or maxi dresses. Naming the key pieces will make your shopping more strategic and intentional. Above all, it will help curb the temptation to splurge.

If you’re the impatient type, you might want to get the task over with by going on a shopping spree. This is a terrible idea, as there’s a chance that things might not turn out the way you imagined. Wearing blazers all the time could be impractical in your region’s climate, or maxi dresses might not cut it if you’re always rushing around the city.

And then there’s the additional burden of finding stores that cater to your size, preferred fabric, and budget. A trial-and-error phase is inevitable, but you can avoid wasteful purchases by naming the essential pieces and sourcing them one by one.

Give Yourself Time

Transitioning from one style to another takes time. You’ll find that, as you put together new outfits and re-immerse yourself into the world, your preferences might still change. That’s okay because your fashion sense must adapt to the new normal. Remember that, as you return to your office and socialize safely with your peers, you’re just getting a feel for how deeply the pandemic has impacted society. Once you do find your new style, however, it’ll be easier to regain your confidence and thrive in the post-pandemic world.

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