moss on roof shingles

The Moss Wall Home Design Trend: Everything You Need to Know

People see moss in a new light. Decades ago, it was a nuisance that homeowners removed from exterior walls, driveways, and furniture because it made everything look aged and ancient. Now, people are actively incorporating it into the home design.

The image rehabilitation of moss likely is influenced by the greater appreciation for the natural environment. In recent years, trends in home design have pointed towards the addition of more plants, both indoors and outdoors. Moss, which adds more vegetation into space, is becoming part of the green revolution.

But aside from the aesthetic value, there are benefits to growing moss.

Living, Breathing

Moss can be incorporated into your home in various ways. It can be grown on an entire wall or only a small patch of the space.

Indoors, moss helps cleanse the air. Previous studies have found that the air quality in a home is sometimes worse than it is outside. Various household activities such as cooking and cleaning eject particles and harmful gases floating in the air. If inhaled, it can trigger respiratory symptoms and exacerbate existing respiratory diseases. Moss, however, has the capacity to capture and absorb pollutants in the air. It purifies indoor air, removing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in return.

Outdoors, it can also block noise. Moss adds a layer between your home and the chaotic world outside. It absorbs unwanted sounds from the outside, preventing them from coming in and ensuring that you get a peaceful sleep.

Moreover, moss cools its surroundings. The process called “evapotranspiration” helps lower ambient temperature. During the summer months, it can reduce utility bills by minimizing the need to use the air-conditioner.

Moss has mental health benefits, too. Previous studies have found that working in a place where there is an abundance of plants growing can significantly reduce stress levels among adults. Being in mere proximity to the natural environment is enough to relax and improve your mood.

In addition, it can give you a sharper focus while you work or study. One research found that the presence of vegetation made students 70 percent more attentive during lectures. Attendance was also higher in classrooms where there were plants.

dried plants

Moss at Home

There are various ways homeowners can incorporate moss into their homes, but the moss wall is the most popular. The entire portion of the wall is covered with moss to create a solid block of green. Others mixed different colors and textures of moss to create fun and unusual patterns on their wall.

A moss wall can be created both inside and outside the home. Indoors, homeowners have grown moss in bathrooms and kitchens, living rooms, home offices, etc. Outdoors, a moss wall can usually be found in the garden to create a forest-like effect.

However, homeowners need to be careful about growing moss on the roof. While it may make the home look like a cabin, it can be dangerous in the long run. Moss itself is not harmful, but it soaks up water which can make the roof heavier. Eventually, it can damage the roof and lead to water leaks or, worse, collapse. Moss might also spread and fill the voids between shingles and tiles, lifting the materials. When that happens, water can seep into the home.

You can remove the moss growing on your roof with store-bought products, but it is a dangerous task. Therefore, it is better to call professional roof cleaners who can get rid of moss safely.

How to Build a Moss Wall

It is easy to build a moss wall. All you need is live moss which is available in all plant stores. You also have the option to use tacks or a small amount of natural glue to attach the moss onto your canvas. Do not use regular glue because it might poison and kill the live moss. Instead, look for glue that can specifically work for living plants.

To care for it, spray water onto the moss wall every day. Like all plants, moss also requires sunlight, but not too much. It thrives best under indirect lighting.

Moreover, moss requires high humidity, which is why it is perfect for bathrooms and kitchens. If it is in other places of the house, just make sure to monitor humidity levels in the room to prevent the moss from becoming dry and dying.

More homeowners are embracing moss as an interior and exterior design element. In recent years, moss walls have been a popular home improvement project. Aside from aesthetics, it also offers tons of benefits. Moreover, it is relatively easy to care for.

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