
Living an Environmentally-Conscious Lifestyle: 3 Major Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is the measure of your negative impact on the planet. Every decision and action you make has consequences that directly or indirectly contribute to the destruction of the environment.

However, it does not have to be. More people have successfully reduced their carbon footprint to the minimum. Do not worry because it is not difficult nor expensive either. To become a better human being, here are the things that you must change.

Invest in Clean Energy

The United States still burns coal, oil, and other non-renewable sources for electricity which emits tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. If you want to cut your carbon footprint down to zero, you need to unplug from the national grid.

Contrary to beliefs, solar power is not expensive. Although the upfront and maintenance fees seem costly, the panels basically pay for themselves. In major cities such as New York, the estimated 20-year savings of families who rely on solar panels for electricity is around $30,500.

Choosing renewable energy sources is one of the best things that you can do for the planet. If more households invest in solar panels, the need for non-renewable sources will sink. The nation no longer has to burn coal and oil for electricity. And, the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere will go down. Maybe then, the world will be spared from the effects of climate change.

Stick to the Basics


Nowadays, it is normal for people to buy cheap products that will break after one or two uses. Because these products are cheap, people would rather buy a new one than attempt a repair. As a result, goods end up in landfills where they will stay for hundreds to thousands of years.

The planet cannot keep up with the increasing demand for resources than only end up being thrown away. Because the landfills are overflowing with unusable goods, trash ends up in places where they should not be.

It is not environmentally-friendly for everyone to continue buying products, especially ones that are cheaply made and are disposable. Consumerism is harming the Earth. If you want to cut your carbon footprint, only buy products that you need and you will use multiple times. No impulse purchases. Use your money wisely.

Use Your Feet

Cars are polluters. In every major city around the world, the air is not safe to breathe because it contains substances that are harmful to the human body. Cars are major contributors to the problem.

You do not have to get rid of your car completely to significantly cut your carbon footprint. Use other modes of transportation as much as possible. Bicycles, for example, will take you places without polluting or burning non-renewable resources. Taking the bus or the train also helps by reducing the number of vehicles on the road. If your destination is not far, walk. These changes will make a huge difference to the environment and, as a bonus, it will keep you physically fit, too.

Caring for the environment is neither difficult nor expensive. In fact, it is the other way around. Reducing your carbon footprint is unlearning habits that you now know contribute to the destruction of nature. The new eco-conscious habits you adopt are also friendlier to your wallet in the long run.

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