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Front-end Developer: Suggestions for Improving Your Skills

Businesses nowadays need an appealing and functional website to keep up with the ever-changing market. One critical element to this is front-end development, which combines analytics, UI, and the actual development to create a seamless user experience. With this, businesses have the opportunity to have a high-performing website that can generate leads and increase sales.

Are you an aspiring front-end developer yourself? Then you certainly have a bright future ahead of you. With numerous organizations and companies needing the help of people who specialize in front-end development, the opportunities could be endless. Secure a more rewarding career as a front-end developer by taking these tips into account.

1. Master the core languages

The first thing that you should focus on if you want to become an in-demand front-end developer is to master the three main languages of web development. First is Hypertext Markup Language or HTML, which refers to the creation of the physical elements of the web page or its skeleton. This is used for inserting dividers, videos, images, text, and links into the web page.

Next is Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, which is utilized in styling the web page’s elements that you design using HTML. CSS controlled certain structural characteristics such as borders, fonts, and colors. Lastly, JavaScript, which covers interactive features such as apps, games, and other interfaces. It is usually used together with HTML when designing an interactive website.

2. Contribute to open source

One effective way to improving your coding skills is through working on different open-source projects. You have the option to contribute to an existing project, from improving its stability to fixing minor bugs. Or, you can create a newer version of an existing open-source project. Working on these projects will expose you to the new methods of coding while enhancing yours at the same time. In addition to that, you also have the opportunity to work with a great team that can help you in your career.

3. Document properly

If there’s one important thing that a developer should never forget doing, that is commenting on their codes. While it’s always advisable to write any code considering both machine interpretation and human readability, there are times that simplification can’t be done. In these situations, commenting is highly essential to ensure that others will understand the what, why, and how of a codebase. By commenting, you also have the chance to assess your code while providing a useful guide in the future.

4. Invest more in your skills


What we mean by this is taking advantage of the available tutorials, courses, and internships relevant to your field. For tutorials, there are tons of resources on the Internet today that offer them for free, which is ideal if you have no formal education relating to web development.

If you’re looking to formally expand your technical knowledge and skill set, you can take advanced web development or online computer engineering courses from accredited universities or schools. Explore your options. There are many suitable courses out there that will give you help you learn the other aspects of website or system development.

5. Learn from a mentor

Another effective way for you to learn more is getting a qualified mentor. You can personally find someone with impressive expertise in website or system development. This could be a colleague or boss you greatly respect. Or, you can try finding formal mentorship programs from big companies in the industry. You can check online for available programs that suit your needs and budget. A great mentor should help you obtain a sense of direction, provide honest feedback on your project approach, and help you foresee potential challenges.

6. Build your own app

Many experienced developers opt to create their own apps to improve their front-end coding skills. Developing your apps can help you to build a better personal portfolio and have the ability to practice replicating the animations of the best websites. Who knows, you might be able to create a unique mobile application that businesses in different industries can use to improve their productivity or customer relationship.

In creating your first app, be sure to identify its need first. You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool to check the number of online users who might be interested in your app. After that, proceed with planning the flow and features, then the launch and feedback from the first users.

Like establishing any kind of career, improving your skills and knowledge as a front-end developer can help you get a solid grip on your professional success. After all, continued learning is essential. Continue enhancing your web development skills with these tips.

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