woman running

An Invisible Element That has the Most Impact

In every waking day of our lives, we follow many human functions necessary to keep us alive: eating, sleeping, breathing, and repeating the process. We breathe air to sustain our functions by converting it into oxygen as well as the air being part of several cycles that make life on earth possible, both in the natural aspect of survival and even speaking economically.

What is life without air? It’s a life that’s hard to imagine without it and here’s why:

The Cycles of Life

Ever wonder how oceans and other blue bodies never run out of water? The water cycle ensures that seas, oceans, and rivers are always with water, as air helps water move between states. The sun evaporates water surfaces, turning it into vapor.

When temperatures drop, the vapor turns into clouds, where water returns to the ground in the form of rain coming from clouds. Back to square one! Humans are carbon-based life-forms and need it to survive. On top of the air we breathe, humans, plants and animals release carbon dioxide.

When creatures eat these plants, they are nourished with carbon and produce the energy they need for survival; after death, decomposing bodies causes carbon to return to the air, repeating the endless carbon cycle.

Can We Live Without It?

To answer the question of life without air, the answer is no. Without air, the planet’s temperature would drop, well below freezing. The carbon dioxide from air absorbs the sun’s heat and energy called the greenhouse effect. Without air, we’d be living in one giant snowball that may not sustain all life forms.

The earth’s position in the solar system is amazing in that other planets, as of this writing, do not support life like our home planet. The earth’s atmosphere and the air in it protect us from cosmic rays and ultraviolet radiation as well as foreign objects that are vaporized by the atmosphere, saving us from destruction and property damage.

In addition to protection and life-sustainable attributes, air makes it possible for us to hear a sound: the voices of loved ones and a loud jet taking off. Air also causes weather conditions such as rain and snow, as well as the blue color of the sky. Without air, we’d be gazing at a black sky 24/7.

Run Like the Wind

dog playing

Air is typically invisible. However, it can be “seen” by looking at the sky, with the air giving its notable blue color. Air is also described by means of temperature, humidity, and wind, with these factors being felt instead of seen.

Aside from ensuring the survival of everything on the planet, the air also serves as an effective source of renewable energy through the wind. This is cost-effective and provides employment opportunities with the help of the wind sector, exhibiting growth and providing the potential for more than 600,000 jobs in maintenance, installation and support services in 2050.

Wind energy is not limited to urban settings, but also benefit rural areas where wind turbines are housed. This means additional income for land and property owners, with the Chevelon Butte Wind Project as a notable example of providing power while creating economic benefits and a cleaner future for people living in Arizona.

Natural and Economic Security

The air doesn’t just provide the air we breathe for survival. Still, a natural alternative to energy provided by the winds and the sun that keeps life on earth afloat, this results in job opportunities and the continued support and potential of wind energy and sustainability.

The air and the winds of the world are not visible to us but are felt in many more ways than just breathing in and out and a cool breeze on our shoulders.

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