5 Simple Ways to Boost Patient Safety in Healthcare Facilities


The safety of patients is the number one priority in healthcare facilities. You may have the best doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals around but when you take patient safety for granted, you can end up doing more damage or risk losing a life. You can even put your license and the facility in jeopardy when faced with costly lawsuits.

The demand for bigger hospitals and more advanced medical technology continues to grow. Yet, this is not enough reason to set aside patient safety. Everyone who works in the facility should always take part at maintaining the safety of patients.

Here are five simple steps that can help in improving the safety of patients in a healthcare setting.

Invest in The Right Lighting and Illumination

Hospitals and clinics are always well lit for a reason. A well-lit workplace helps provide a safe and favourable working place for everyone. This is not just about the lighting in your facility. It is also about the illumination used in conducting medical exams and surgeries, including patient lights, exam or surgical lights and operating theatre lights.

Investing in the right medical lighting equipment matters. This allows medical professionals to effectively and safely work on their tasks.

Create a Timely Scheduling Process for Patient Appointments

patient appointment

Patients are to receive medical care in a timely fashion. Come up with a plan that will improve and simplify the process of appointment scheduling. This way, all patients will receive proper care on time and as needed. Medical professionals can render enough time for each patient. This also helps cut long lines, thus lowering the stress of your patient.

Make Use of Electronic Health Records

Electronic health records help manage patient records better and with fewer errors. It allows easy access and communication among physicians. It also aids in providing a more in-depth health evaluation. Doctors can track down their patient’s health and medication records from anywhere. One can update the records in real-time and improve quality care and patient safety.

Improve Access to Hand Hygiene

Everyone knows how vital hand hygiene is – especially in the clinical setting. Without proper hand hygiene, you’re putting patients at risk for contamination and spread diseases. Healthcare professionals need to stress the importance of hand hygiene. This refers not only to the proper hand washing but the use of gloves, as well. Encourage everyone to do the same by providing easy access to alcohol-based rubs.

Ensure Patient Understanding of Their Condition and Doctor’s Orders

Not all patients have a strong understanding of medical terms and drug abbreviations. So doctors should ensure their patients fully understand their condition, including their diagnosis and medications. Prescribing medicine, for instance. Wrong dosage or out of schedule drug intake can put the patient’s safety at risk. Encourage patients to raise their questions to avoid misguided information.

Every healthcare facility has patient safety as their core value. Each may have different owners and are under different management but safety will always be a priority. You cannot provide quality care without keeping patient safety in mind. If patients, healthcare professionals, and the administrators work as a team, you can maintain a safe environment for all.

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